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Political Contributions and Lobbying

​​​​​​​​​​​Issues arise in the political process at federal, 直接影响到Oxy的业务和利益相关者的州和地方层面. 因为立法和监管的变化会对公司及其利益相关者产生重大影响, Oxy认为,公司有必要以道德和透明的方式帮助讨论这些问题. To that end, Oxy may, from time to time, 进行政治竞选捐款或者从事游说和其他政治活动. 虽然这些领域的支出每年都有所不同,这取决于政治周期和最重要的立法或监管问题, we believe that they are modest for a company of Oxy's size. With respect to political contributions, such contributions will only promote the interests of the company, 而不是公司高管或董事的个人政治偏好. 我们总是有一个适当的程序,以确保这些活动和支出符合所有适用的法律和公司政策, including those summarized in Oxy's Code of Business Conduct. Oxy定期进行培训和内部审计,以确保所有政治行动委员会和公司政治捐款都符合法律和公司政策.

Oxy关于政治活动的书面政策对政治捐款的定义进行了广泛的界定. 它涵盖了Oxy的竞选捐款和其他与政治相关的费用, and they are made only with the approval of the Board of Directors, the Government Affairs Committee or their designees. 政府事务委员会批准所有政治捐款,并直接向董事会报告. The Vice President, 政府关系系现任政府事务委员会主席, and the other members of the Government Affairs Committee are: the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; the Vice President, Land, Regulatory, Governmental Relations and Corporate Affairs; and the President of Oxy Energy Services.

Political Campaign Contributions

Under federal election law, Oxy不得将公司资金直接捐赠给联邦候选人或政党. Oxy被授权建立并资助雇员政治行动委员会(PAC)的行政费用。. Oxy目前有一个授权的PAC - Oxy石油公司政治行动委员会(OXYPAC)。.

Funded entirely by employees' personal, voluntary contributions, OXYPAC contributes to qualified federal, state and local candidates and multicandidate committees, regardless of party affiliation, who share the interests of Oxy. OXYPAC's activities are transparent and comply with applicable laws. 

OXYPAC向联邦选举委员会(FEC)以及各个州机构提交了有关联邦和州政治竞选捐款的信息. OXYPAC​'s FEC filings may be viewed on the FEC ​website​. 然而,为了简化获取此类信息的途径,Oxy每年都会发布一份名单 OXYPAC contributions,按司法管辖区、候选人和最近结束的财政年度的金额分类. 

Oxy's Political Contributions Archive 提供了Oxy及其子公司在一个财政年度内提供的非oxypac政治竞选捐款清单, including any contributions with respect to ballot initiatives. 上述所有捐款和支出均须遵守上述相同的审查和核准程序, and all comply with applicable disclosure requirements. Oxy的政策是在其网站上包括所有受披露要求约束的捐款. 这些OXYPAC和非OXYPAC贡献的历史报告可在 Political Contributions Archive.


奥施公司的政府关系部为奥施公司提供国际和国内政府事务服务, in that capacity, is responsible for all federal and state political contacts by Oxy. Government Relations' mission is to provide advice, advocacy, information, policy analysis and support on legislative, regulatory, 对公司实现其经营和财务目标具有重要意义的国际和政治问题. These issues and their relative priority change from time to time. However, 石油公司在上一个日历季度进行游说的具体联邦问题列在向美国司法部提交的季度游说报告中.S. Congress.  有关Oxy在各州游说的信息可以在各州定期提交的文件中找到.  Certain foreign countries, the federal government, each state, 某些地方司法管辖区有法律要求游说者进行登记和报告,有时也要求其雇主进行登记和报告. Oxy reports its federal lobbying to the U.S. 国会公开,每季度的游说披露报告,可以通过美国政府在线查看.S. Senate's Lobbying Disclosure Electronic Filing System website. These reports include Oxy's direct lobbying expenses (e.g., salaries, office rent, etc.),以及支付给行业协会用于游说目的的那部分会费. 如上所述,报告还详细列出了Oxy进行游说的问题.

Trade Associations and Industry Groups

Oxy是许多贸易和工业组织的成员和积极参与者. 这些组织的成员资格是必要的,以便及时了解影响Oxy业务部门的问题. While generally not the primary purpose of these organizations, many actively engage in lobbying on industry issues. 这些组织代表了广泛的成员和利益, Oxy并不总是同意这些组织及其其他成员的观点. At the direction of the Board of Directors, the Government Affairs Committee reviews, 评估和批准Oxy在这些行业协会中的会员资格.

Oxy annually provides a list of U.S. Trade A​ssociations Oxy是该组织的成员,每年缴纳的会费超过5万美元. 这些协会或团体参与游说的联邦问题包括在这些组织提交的游说披露表格中, which are available via the U.S. Senate's Lobbying Disclosure Electronic Filing System.

Personal and Grassroots Activities

Oxy鼓励其董事和员工通过投票参与政治进程, 他们在自己的时间里自愿提供个人服务,并通过个人政治捐款. However, 董事和雇员不会因任何政治献金而得到补偿或补偿.